Post Election Pleas from the Ethnically Ambiguous

“Calm down Taryn, it’s not the end of the world.” “We will be okay.” “Have a little faith in the American people.” “Most of the people that voted for Trump voted for him in spite of his hateful comments not because of them.” 

I truly hope that is true. And in keeping with that thought, I have a request for the Trump Supporters: 

I don’t know many of you. I live in a little bubble of like minded individuals. Even in the south, I happened to select a group of friends that come predominantly from the same neighborhoods in California that I lived in for 22 years. If you are reading this you are probably just as devastated as I am with the election results. But if even a few Trump Supporters read this, then it’s worth saying. 

I understand that not all of you are  sexist, transphobic, xenophobic, racist abusers. I understand that there have been undercurrents in the American population that we as “the urban elite” have ignored for far too long. I am sorry for ignoring you. I am sorry for writing off your problems. I am sorry for judging you and your way of life. I understand that you felt Trump was the only option you had to be heard. I understand because we are finally listening. So it worked.

But in choosing him as our president you empowered the minority amongst you who are in fact sexist, transphobic, xenophobic, racist abusers. By condoning his statements, you are glorifying a hateful mindset that is rooted in unrest and violence. And while I do not understand how that is a sacrifice you were willing to make, I accept that you do.

I only hope that in your triumph, you are responsible with the power you’ve been granted. Please do not ignore your vicious minority. You are accountable for them. Their vitriol and their violence has gained momentum and political backing because of a decision you helped make. So instead of telling me that you don’t stand by what Trump said throughout the election, show me. 

In the last two days alone countless minorities in America have been threatened and physically attacked in the name of Trump. Do something about it. Make it known that as a Trump Supporter you will not stand for that. Maybe they will listen to you. I know damn well, they won’t listen to me. I voted for Hillary after all so I don’t understand.

This election pitted Americans against each other more than I ever thought possible. I watched my side of the divide mock your side. I didn’t bat an eye when Clinton called you deplorable. For the last year, I expected literally nothing good from you. And now here I am asking for your support. Ironic, isn’t it? But as an ethnically ambiguous young woman in the south, I’m afraid.

I’m afraid that all the slight micro-aggressions and vaguely sexist/racist comments I’ve received over my life will no longer be micro or vague. I’m afraid that “Where are you imported from?” will become “Go back to where you came from.” I’m afraid that “you’re so exotic” will become “you are not one of us.” I’m afraid that “you don’t have to be such a bitch” will become “give me what I want bitch.”

And I need you. I hate to admit it, but I need you.

I am not asking you to change your political views. And you should know that I will do everything in my power to elect a new president in 4 years. I don’t expect us to all sit and kumbaya together. In fact, I am glad that not everyone in America agrees about everything. Competition and disagreement ensure that progress continues.

But the kind of hate our president elect embodies is not acceptable on either side of this divide. So please, be better than we expected you to be. Prove to us that a Trump presidency is not the apocalypse we expect it to be. Prove to us that you did not cast your vote out of spite and intolerance. Every non-white/cis/het male is now your charge. Be good to us.